Home Features 10 Pictures of Vampire at Chessington World of Adventures

10 Pictures of Vampire at Chessington World of Adventures


Fasten your seatbelts for a fangtastic family flight that everyone will be batty about, a must for all thrill fiends, from little vampires cutting their coaster teeth to big thrill suckers!

Mathew Wells

The Vampire is a doubly-bat-tastic world first with riders suspended and swinging at the same time!

Mathew Wells

FUN FACT: Vampire’s organists face was based on an old Phil Collins wax figure. The designer, John Wardley, has also worked on other rides such as Nemesis at Alton Towers.

Mathew Wells

Adventurers must be a minimum of 1.1m tall to ride.

Adventurers between 1.1m and 1.3m must be accompanied by an adult 16 years or over to ride.

Mathew Wells

There are two lift hills during the course of the ride, the ride getting more intense after the second lift as it whips over the top of the main Wild Woods area and diving through a tunnel creating a swing outwards.

Mathew Wells

It originally operated with closed bottom cars, but these were replaced for the 2002 season after Vampire stood not operating, and it now runs with new Vekoma floorless trains giving a very different experience.

Mathew Wells

The ride layout was designed by John Wardley and the theme design by British firm Sparks Creative Services.

Mathew Wells

The Roller Coaster takes place almost entirely through a forest.

Mathew Wells

Vampire is fang-tastic and once bitten, you’ll want to fly again and again…

Mathew Wells

..and again!

Mathew Wells


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