Home Reviews Croc Drop: Plunge Into The Giant Jaws of a Crocodile

Croc Drop: Plunge Into The Giant Jaws of a Crocodile



Croc Drop is an SBF Visa drop tower flat ride, which opened in April 2021 at Chessington World of Adventures Resort.

The courageous will jump 25 metres into the enormous fangs of Sobek, the ancient Egyptian god of the crocodile and guardian of the Nile, who has been corrupted by evil spirits and turned into a ruthless deity.

Riders must participate in a ritual to drive out the bad spirits from Sobek, entering the crocodile’s spirit, and releasing the waters back into the Nile since the once-fertile Nile is now sluggish.

Looking for tickets to ride Croc Drop? Get Chessington World of Adventures tickets here

Croc Drop Stats

  • Location: Chessington World of Adventures
  • Opened: 12th April 2021
  • Cost: £900,000
  • Height: 84 ft
  • Can you ride? Those between 1.2m and 1.3m must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 16, while those a minimum height of 1.3m can ‘drop’ alone.

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