Home Features Revolution: Europe’s first 360 degree looping rollercoaster

Revolution: Europe’s first 360 degree looping rollercoaster


The Arrow Development shuttle roller coaster Revolution, originally known as Irn Bru Revolution, is located at Blackpool Pleasure Beach. It was the first fully looping roller coaster in Europe.

Mathew Wells / Flickr

Prepare yourselves for the force of the Revolution. The train is launched out of the station with its powerful acceleration and heads directly towards the enormous loop.

Mathew Wells / Flickr

Revolution had an amazing transformation in 2012 and is now a futuristic gunmetal grey with elegant white accents and a brilliant red train.

Mathew Wells / Flickr

Riders must ascend a flight of steps because of the design in order to reach the loading station.


  • Type: Shuttle Loop Manufacturer: Arrow Development
  • Length: 635ft
  • Height: 56ft
  • Speed: 45mph
Mathew Wells / Flickr

Prepare to have your entire world flipped upside down!


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