Home Features The £1 million Spin Doctor at Blackpool Pleasure Beach

The £1 million Spin Doctor at Blackpool Pleasure Beach


Spin Doctor at Blackpool Pleasure Beach consisted of two rotating ‘propellors’ which spun riders 360 degrees through the air to heights of 120 feet at speeds of over 60 mph.

Spin Doctor
The ride was manufactured by The Fabbri Group of Italy

The ride could reach speeds of over 60 mph, with a maximum g-force of 3.6g, similar to the g-force experienced on the Pepsi Max Big One.

Access to Spin Doctor was located at the Tom Sawyer Bridge. Once walking down some steps to water level, riders were directed to East or West side of Spin Doctor.

Overview of Blackpool Pleasure Beach in 2004, Spin Doctor in the sky line.

The movement of the ride’s two propellers were linked by programmable logic controllers and were powered by two DC motors. Each propeller was attached to a column fixed to a 6m x 6m x 2m concrete foundation.