Home Features The Sanctuary: No longer taking appointments

The Sanctuary: No longer taking appointments


The Sanctuary was located inside the Towers and opened on 13th October 2012.

Was life a burden? were things getting you down? Lost your smile? did you check yourself in for a refreshing check up at The Sanctuary?

Posters on display around Alton Towers ( Image: Richard Smiler Jones )

The Ministry of Joy launched its revolutionary project (The Smiler) on 31 May 2013.

Queue line located inside the Towers Conservatory ( Image: Richard Smiler Jones )
Doctor Kelmen ( Image: Richard Smiler Jones )

Once inside the Sanctuary Dr Kelman himself started the experience.

People say I’m mad,” he bellowed. “They don’t like my methods. Do you think I am mad?

Main gates into the Sanctuary for your appointment to see Doctor Kelmen ( Image: Richard Smiler Jones )

After being closed for new patients for almost 50 years The Sanctuary, The Ministry of Joy’s earliest establishment, held important trials searching for ‘Advocates’ for its 2013 project.

Doctors and Nurses roamed around Alton Towers looking for Advocates ( Image: Richard Smiler Jones )

The doctor promised you would leave with a smile on your face forever.. Did you?!

Whilst the Sanctuary was in the towers for the 2012 season, this poster was located by the tunnel which leads into X Sector ( Image: Richard Smiler Jones )

The Sanctuary closed its doors on 2nd November 2014.

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