Home Pictures 11 (Not Very Positive) Pictures of Blackpool Pleasure Beach 2024 Opening Day

11 (Not Very Positive) Pictures of Blackpool Pleasure Beach 2024 Opening Day


UK Theme Park Spy attended Blackpool Pleasure Beach for there 2024 season opening day. (Saturday 2nd March)

Highlights from the day

  • Ice Blast was Closed
  • Infusion was Closed
  • The Big One was Closed
  • Impossible was Closed
  • Grand Prix is SBNO (Amanda Thompson has confirmend that a NEW attraction will be replacing Grand Prix)
  • Avalanche suffered break downs.
  • Revolution suffered break downs.

Please Note: During our visit it was Raining.

Ice Blast is currently closed and waiting for a part.
T Cafe is currently closed and empty.
Grand Prix is STBO for the 2024 Season, Amanda Thompson has confirmend that a NEW attraction will be taking its place?.
Will we ever see anything new in th Planet Rock?.
Workers currently on the roof… Water Leaks?
The Hub to return in Summer or Closed for good?
Impossible Closed.
Arcade at Main Entrance still closed for refurb?
Home Time



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