Home Pictures In Pictures: Steeplechase at Blackpool Pleasure Beach

In Pictures: Steeplechase at Blackpool Pleasure Beach


Get ready to ride the Steeplechase!

Swing your leg over your very own horse and buckle up ready for a race with jumps, twists and turns.

“Steeplechase” first opened at Blackpool Pleasure Beach in 1977. ( Image: Mathew Wells )
Steeplechase It is a unique horse racing-themed roller coaster where riders straddle horse-shaped vehicles. ( Image: Mathew Wells )
The ride features three parallel tracks, each with multiple horse-shaped ride vehicles. ( Image: Mathew Wells )
Riders are seated on the horse vehicles in a jockey position, similar to a horse racing steeplechase. ( Image: Mathew Wells )
The ride begins with a “starting gate” where riders are held in position before being released to race along the track. ( Image: Mathew Wells )
Steeplechase provides a competitive experience as riders race against each other on the separate tracks. ( Image: Mathew Wells )
The coaster features jumps and humps along the track, resembling obstacles that horse racers might encounter. ( Image: Mathew Wells )
“Steeplechase” first opened at Blackpool Pleasure Beach in 1977. ( Image: Mathew Wells )

Steeplechase remains a beloved and nostalgic ride at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, providing guests with a one-of-a-kind horse racing experience on a roller coaster track.


  1. Doug Briglmen It needs looking at if they are keeping it. Honestly next to the National is the second biggest jerk fest as regards backs and hips. 😃

    My horse always comes last as well. 😃😃

  2. I just hope pleasure beach do what they can to secure its future, there were apparently plans to replace it a few years back😣, but I hope they’ve changed their mind since then🤞🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


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