Home Features Zombies! Scarezone: An abandoned road that held a terrifying secret

Zombies! Scarezone: An abandoned road that held a terrifying secret

Zombies! Scarezone Main Entrance

There were rumours that the un-dead walked the earth.

Zombies! Scarezone: An abandoned road that held a terrifying secret

You braved your way through the post-apocalyptic nightmare and prayed you made it to the other side.

Zombies! Scarezone: An abandoned road that held a terrifying secret

Zombies! Scare Zone was free to Theme Park guests.

Zombies! Scarezone: An abandoned road that held a terrifying secret

What seemed to be an abandoned road soon revealed a much more horrific presence. Did you make it through to containment?

Zombies! Scarezone: An abandoned road that held a terrifying secret

Zombies! Scarezone opened in 2011 and closed in 2014.

Zombies! Scarezone Exit
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