Home Features 3 reasons to take part in High Adventure Experiences at Blackpool Pleasure...

3 reasons to take part in High Adventure Experiences at Blackpool Pleasure Beach

The experience is staffed by members of Blackpool Pleasure Beach’s operations team who work on these rides on a daily basis and can share insights and stories about them with guests.


Blackpool Pleasure Beach’s High Adventures are comprised of three experiences which involve an escorted and guided walk to the very top of some of the park’s tallest rollercoasters. The experiences are booked separately from the main park and take place in the evening once Blackpool Pleasure Beach has closed. Guests have a pre-walk presentation then are fitted for harnesses and safety equipment before climbing to heights of up to 235ft via the rollercoaster’s lift hill.

Guests taking part in these experiences are made up of people from all ages and background but with one thing in common – a head for heights and a sense of adventure.

Generally each of the walks take place once a month with 3 timeslots per evening and a capacity of six people per slot. The limited numbers means that all participants get to take their time and enjoy the experience with their experienced guides.

The experiences began in 2013 with Walk The Big One. This was developed as a response to feedback from guests to Blackpool Pleasure Beach who wanted new experiences. Following a successful number of years this was expanded to Walk The Woodie in 2021 and then an extended version of the original walk, Walk The Big One XL, was added in 2022.

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3Walk the Woodie 100

Picture: Blackpool Pleasure Beach

The Big Dipper has been thrilling guests for one hundred years! The ride originally opened in 1923 and was extended in the 1930s. Though the ride has seen many changes over the years – the iconic sight of the blue and white ‘onion’ on top of the ride’s lift hill is a nostalgic part of Blackpool Pleasure Beach’s heritage. You can now be a part of this classic ride’s special birthday!

If you like adventure and want an exhilarating experience that gives a unique insight into how our wooden rollercoasters are maintained, we are offering a limited number of adventurers the opportunity to explore this classic ride.

With some amazing photo opportunities along the way – this unique experience, usually only seen by specialist engineers, is now available to rollercoaster fans!

1Walk the Big One XL

Picture: Blackpool Pleasure Beach

An in depth extended version of walk the Big One.

Some activitys may not be suitable for everyone. The walk is a physically demanding activity including steep climbs, drops, heights and the surface can be uneven, dirty and slippery. Suitable sturdy footwear such as walking boots with a good grip must be worn in order to participate – these are not supplied.