Lightwater Valley is looking for a new (temporary) CEO to give an insight into what children aged under 12 look for in an adventure park.
Anne Ackord, who heads up the Brighton Pier Group which owns the park and who is the current CEO says “We’ve worked hard to create a value day out that fits well with families with children of all ages and we’re delighted with the response of visitors to date. The under 12s are our mainstay as well as chief fans of all things ‘dinosaur’ and we’re after that insight into what makes children tick, what they expect and what they want. We’re looking for a creative mind, bold ideas and an ability to demonstrate how much enjoyment they can really achieve in a day. Excellent communication with an 80million year old dinosaur is an advantage but not essential. As an incentive to the successful candidate, we’re offering a free family pass for a year and all we want in return is a day on site of the new CCEO’s time. It’s a win win for all!”
The successful candidate will receive a free family pass for a year.
The new CCEO won’t be expected to have any previous experience of the adventure park.
Want to apply? Download the application form and email to
or send a letter to
Rex Valleysaurus, Lightwater Valley, North Stainley, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3HT, with a few lines on what makes you the perfect candidate.
In addition to the annual pass, worth £79, as there CCEO for the day, the prize will also include a complimentary day at Lightwater Valley for you and your family (2 adults and up to 4 children), including lunch and a Dino gift to take home.