Home Pictures Valhalla: Brave The Adventure

Valhalla: Brave The Adventure


For the 21st century the biggest and most spectacular water-borne dark ride in the world was designed and constructed at Pleasure Beach.

Valhalla Main Entrance
Valhalla Main Entrance ( Picture: Richard Smiler Jones )

Valhalla is a high speed thrilling ride with unique features, highly themed and incorporating a host of multi-sensory elements.

Valhalla Station with Waterfall
Valhalla Station with Waterfall ( Picture: Mathew Wells )
New Boats On Valhalla
New Boats on Valhala ( Picture: Mathew Wells )

Valhalla is the journey to the immortal resting place of Viking warriors souls combining elements of fire, water, snow and ice.

Lights Hang From Valhalla Station
Lights Hang From Valhalla Station

The new soundtrack has been created by The Notable Stranger.

New Valhalla Signage

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